The Family Readers Storybooks

Book Covers & Lessons Taught in Set 12

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Set 12 Book 1 (A Night to Celebrate)  
Set 12—Book 1 Comments
Title: A Night to Celebrate Concentrated practice of soft c (city) and soft g (gem).
A prediction is given.
Who will Neal's new uncle be?
Look for the happy surprise.
New Words:ace, lace, space, rice (soft c), nice, spice, bride, sight, right, tonight, age, wed sway, ginger (soft g), gem, gym, judge, fudge, Gerry, aunt, uncle, car, chat, must, groom, married, city, Cindy, Cindy's, cinnamon, celebrate, center, ceramic, Cinderella, because, announce, everyone, gentleman, happy, breeze
Consonant Sounds & Blends:sw_, br_, gr_, sp_, _er, _ed, _igh, Word Patters: "-all" (as in tall)
Vowels:A, a, ai, ay, E, e, ee, ea, y, I, i, O, o, U, u, oo (groom)
Sight Words:all, aunt
Conversation Skills:After reading this book, talk for a few minutes about weddings.

Set 12 Book 2 (A Trip to China)  
Set 12—Book 2 Comments
Title: A Trip to China Provides a review of digraphs ch - wh - th - ck and diphthongs aw - au - ew
Different countries broaden our horizons. The things we care for become dear to us.
For language arts or social studies instruction, this book could be used as a springboard for sharing travel experiences, or for culture or geography study activities.
Value:Expanding Horizons
New Words:Paul, haul, crawl, landing, rancher, sandwiches, charge, plane, splash, inch, China, chimp, chicken, shiny, fish, T-shirt, whistle, whistles, thin, clouds, someone, south, bench, lunch, fresh, cheese, check, Sherry, sheep, received, new, rush, chums, shore, Charley, whale, rushed, under
Consonant Sounds & Blends:spl_, cl_, fr_, _ed, _ing, _er, Word Patterns: ir (shirt), ar (far), ore (snore), ank (thank), au (haul), ow (crowd), ou (out), aw (crawl)
Vowels:A, a, ay, E, e, ee, ea, y, I, i, O, o, oo (took), U, u
Sight Words:crew, flew
Conversation Skills:After reading this book, talk for a few minutes about China.

Set 12 Book 3 (A Game for Champions)  
Set 12—Book 3 Comments
Title: A Game for Champions Gives a review of previous books. A strong phonics base has been established, and high frequency sight words have been introduced.
Students learn they cannot always win but they can be friends and good sports.
New Words:season, start, different, Bears, Tigers, Eagles, Seahawks, Panthers, panthers, many, children, uniform, uniforms, father, chosen, coach, knew, other, very, pretty, together, busy, practice, pretended, referee, newspaper, field, before, above, through, course, skills, put, best, reported, noticed, winning, won, scores, picture, news, much, teammates, important, wash, change, pulled, excited, arrived, shirt, thought, against, lose, after, large, already, unusually, brown, silver, purple, orange, taught, pizza, guarding, champions, championship
Consonant Sounds & Blends:pr_, br, _en, _ed, _er, _ers, pre-, _ew, _nt, _ion, _ions
Vowels:A, a, ay, E, e, ee, ea, y, I, i, ie, O, o, oo, oa, U, u, Ue
Sight Words:guarding, taught, wash, newspaper, orange, pizza
Conversation Skills:After reading this book, talk about for a few minutes about being a good sport.

Set 12 Book 4 (Boyer's Toy Store)  
Set 12—Book 4 Comments
Title: Boyer's Toy Store The diphthongs of oi (foil) oy (toy) are practiced.
Students learn that imagination produces unexpected innovative use of objects.
New Words:Le Roy, Joyce, boys, Boyer, Boyer's, The Point, Neal's, hoist, moist, foyer, noise, foils, coins, toy, soy, pier, marina, stores, motor, moving, houseboat, houseboats, climb, ramp, docked, lunch, managed, cleaned, invited, voice, girls, aboard, helped, coiled, broiled, lift, shop, enjoyed, finding, wondered, popsicles, calling, sitting, told, leave, sauce, buoy, balloons, anything, restaurant
Consonant Sounds & Blends:sw_, fl_, cl_, wh_, fr_, _ing, _ed, _er, Word Patterns: -ought (as in brought), _ore (store), _ir (girl), _ur (turn), _ink (think), _ar (car), _ew (new)
Vowels:A, a, ay, E, e, ee, ea, y, I, i, ie, O, o, oo (noon), oi (oil), oy (toy) U, u
Sight Words:doubt, special, ocean, sweat
Conversation Skills:After reading this book, talk about for a few minutes about favorite toys.

Set 12 Book 5 (The Confection Connection)  
Set 12—Book 5 Comments
Title: The Confection Connection Words ending in -ion are practiced and more difficult words appear in the reading vocabulary.
These books have a sequential reading approach.
Value:Moderation and Dedication
New Words:sleek, trim, slim, nobody, lazy, plopped, quite, confused, afraid, wobble, throat, terrible, blurted, chocolate, slumped, dedicated, protested, requires, drastic, giving, feeding, worst, going, death, anything, warned, everyday, examination, inspection, connection, protection, cooperation, affliction, moderation, situation, trepidation, injections, confection, botheration, operation, dedication, rejection, starvation, infection, ruination, part, questions, serious, eyes, only, walk, walks, double, trouble, laughing, person, quite, case, knees
Consonant Sounds & Blends:sl_, tr_, fl_, sm_, pr_, dr_, fr_, thr_, _er, _ing, _ion, _ions, _lk
Sight Words:serious, eyes, only, laughing, trouble, person, walk
Conversation Skills:After reading this book, talk about for a few minutes about Nutrition.

Set 12 Book 6 (Chatsworth)  
Set 12—Book 6 Comments
Title: Chatsworth A review of all previous books. A springboard to enjoyable and independent reading. Chatsworth shows us differences in ages doesn't matter when meaningful relationships exist. We can learn from each person we share time with.
For creative writing instruction, this book could be used as a springboard for writing about relationships and shared experiences.
New Words:Chatsworth, older, television, invented, sixty-six, bottom, wrinkles (silent w), around, freckles, offered, speed, always, secret, riding, crazy, huffing, puffing, riding, hoping, trying, underneath, remembers, keeping, rescue, handles, shaggy, teases, whole (silent w), share, white, million, figure, earn, believe, cornfield, once, swap, thanks, you're, person, along, doubt, sometimes, ten-speed, special, sweat, friend, laughs, he's, old, thinks, pretend, rather, hasn't though, knows, covered, except, works, band, teach, admits, things, saved,
Consonant Sounds & Blends:wr_, fr_, sp_, _ing, _les, _ong, _ion, _ghs, _nks, _pt, _nd, _ed, er, ough (though)
Sight Words:doubt, special, ocean, sweat
Conversation Skills:After reading this book, talk about for a few minutes about wisdom.
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