The Family Readers Storybooks

Book Covers & Lessons Taught in Set 10

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Set 10 Book 1 (Boe E. Toad)  
Set 10—Book 1 Comments
Title: Boe E. Toad The double long vowels - as -ei are introduced.
The spirit of adventure leads Boe to appreciate his own home.
For creative writing instruction, this book is a good example of children's fiction.
New Words:fades, hides, duke, Boe E., Toad, air, buttons, sails, tails, waits, coal, meat, boat, goal, gulp, sunset, roam, moan, load, road, reeds, soar, leap, leaf, meet, soap, coat, dines, hops, unload, kick, man's, unload, ree-deep
Vowels:long -oa
Sight Words: 
Conversation Skills:After reading this book, talk about fact and fiction.

Set 10 Book 2 (Number Fun)  
Set 10—Book 2 Comments
Title: Number Fun A review of pages relating to numbers is given.
Students enjoy reading the words of the numbers and counting the objects.
Value:Self Mastery
New Words:one, two, three, four, seven, eight, alive, stay, sees
Consonants:thr_, _en, st_ ,kn (silent k), oy
Vowels:long and short vowels
Sight Words:two, doesn't, one, eight, four, could
Conversation Skills:After reading this book, talk about adding and subtraction.

Set 10 Book 3 (The Neat Game)  
Set 10—Book 3 Comments
Title: The Neat Game The consonant blends, str- fr- gr- sm- dr- bl- gl-, and the silent - w - (as in "write") are practiced.
Max and Kim find it takes work to make dreams come true.
Value:A Good Performance
New Words:again, drop, groan, frame, try, trick, brag, cried, prime-time, can't, used, fits, from, met, dry, nifty, grab, smile, fix-it, grip, drag, work, fade, words, hate, such
Consonants:gr_, tr_, pr_, sm_, dr_, bl_, gl_, st_, fr_, br_, _fty, _rk
Vowels:long vowels
Sight Words:work
Conversation Skills:After reading this book, talk about preparation.

Set 10 Book 4 (Max the Grand)  
Set 10—Book 4 Comments
Title: Max the Grand A review of previous books is given, and practice with beginning blends such as cl - sl - st - br- cr - pl is provided.
Max and Kim share their talents with parents and friends, a successful, fun experience.
New Words:clap, flop, prop, blame, treat, slips, slip, smiles, slide, bluff, greets, welcome, glad, grand, please, asks, who
Consonants:bl_, cl_, fl_, pr_, sl_, cr_, gr_, sm_, gl_, pl_, _sks
Vowels:long and short vowels
Sight Words:came, welcome, who
Conversation Skills:After reading this book, talk about accomplishments.

Set 10 Book 5 (The Prize)  
Set 10—Book 5 Comments
Title: The Prize The consonant blends br- tr- and y - as -i (tyke), also soft c (race) - soft j (judge) are given.
A contest with a win for two brothers is described.
Value:Being Considerate
New Words:trike, Mike the Tyke, race (soft c), judge (soft g), June, Steve, called, guess, prize, tube, Jack in the Box, tire, liked, saw, raced, caramba (Spanish)
Consonants:pr_, tr_, st_, _ed
Vowels:long vowels
Sight Words:guess
Conversation Skills:After reading this book, talk about being considerate.

Set 10 Book 6 (A Nifty Ball of String)  
Set 10—Book 6 Comments
Title: A Nifty Ball of String) The beginning blends str- fr- extr and the ending blends -er are practiced.
Life is interesting when unexpected happenings occur. This is a good story for predicting sequences. Razz is at his best in the story.
New Words:balls, tennis, soccer, footballs, beach, string, extra, roll, unroll, balls, tied, meow, baseballs, tried, getting, some, bigger, begins, strings, long, lines, wow, how
Consonants:sl_, _er, str_, fr_, _xtr, tr_, _ing, _ow, Word Pattern: all, ball
Vowels:long vowels
Sight Words:they
Conversation Skills:After reading this book, talk about collecting things.
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